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I AM Retreat 2024

Invite your authentic self into being

Dates TBC

Join Tamara on a journey with an intimate gathering of like-minded people to connect to your inner truth, liberate yourself from your limitations to expand into your radiant essence

Who are you at the core of your being?
How much of that are you expressing in your life today?
What is stopping you from radiating your essence?

Sometimes we need to stop rushing around in our crazy world to remember who we are and who we are not.

Spend immersive days releasing barriers to radiant living, reflecting and nourishing yourself in a safe space to enable you to shine even more brightly in your daily life.

Tapping 🌸constellations 🌸creativity🌸foot bath🌸connection🌸stillness🌸movement
nutritious drinks & snacks🌸cacao🌸home made soup with bring & share veggie lunch 

What people say about retreats and workshops with Tamara

"Tamara facilitates groups with love and compassion and creates a space of trust and acceptance. She is almost unobtrusive in her approach, gently guiding us through the process with intuition that is both stabilising and uplifting – a hard balance to get right, yet she did so quietly and with dignity. At the end of the day you could see the changes in peoples faces as they relaxed into feeling more themselves and letting go of worries many had held onto for a long time. Tamara is an authentic healer who deeply cares about others. There is no ego here seeking a sycophantic following as is more common in these fields than we would want. There is simply a desire to relieve others of pain and pressure in a very natural way that requires no force. It is this gentle authenticity that allows a healing space to grow that is both invigorating and restorative. I will certainly be going back for more.”
“Thank you so much for a wonderful retreat. I feel reconnected and restored. Such powerful work with our ancestors and a great harmony between us all in the group. I feel more at peace and able to be more authentic in my relationships since then.”
Bridget McConnell

“I would like to thank Tamara and everyone present yesterday, which is always incredibly powerful, cathartic & healing – a place where I always feel safe, able to share my deepest emotions, knowing that there is always incredible unconditional support, acceptance of what is & deep compassion and love. You are always able to provide and hold this sacred space beautifully, Tamara, I am very very grateful <3”
Romi Carr

What is the investment?