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Accredited EFT ("Tapping") Intro day or
Full Level 1 & 2 Training

For complete beginners, those with experience &
those wanting to start a part- or full-time career as a Certified EFT Practitioner

Plus bonus live online Q&A sessions for those taking Level 2

Note: all training dates are our enhanced "mastery" editions

Learn EFT (“Tapping”)-
The Super-skill that you will be able to use for life - for yourself, your family and children 
Use in any life situation!
EFT can help heal life's challenges, release old habits and create new ones, facilitate deep therapeutic change, turbo-charge your business, let go of abundance blocks, achieve inner peace. Emotional changes often in minutes!!

Optionally, after the EFT Level 1 and 2 trainings, go on to become a practitioner by joining our EFT Practitioner Certification Programme!

 I want to know - What is EFT?

Our Training

Our award winning training combines several days of interactive, experiential learning plus around 3 hours of video-based training.

You can attend either an Introduction to EFT training day (which still goes very deep!) or take full Level 1 and 2 training (3 days each).

The live days of training allow participants to experience the powerful techniques through lots of interactive practice on themselves and with others. That is the only way to gain the skills and confidence to use it beyond the training, and potentially on others professionally.

Enhanced Mastery

We have upgraded all our trainings to  "enhanced mastery" editions of the Level 1 and 2 trainings. We want to create EFT masters who can get the best possible results and so these trainings, whilst containing the core EFT International syllabus, go well beyond it.  The trainings are therefore a little longer than others and contain more important detail as well as more in-depth practice sessions.

 Level 1 and 2 live training is a prerequisite for those who wish to go on to become an EFT practitioner by joining our EFT Practitioner Certification Programme (EPCP). 

Who is the training for?

Improve professional growth, enhanced client outcomes, and income potential.
Past trainees have included coaches, therapists, yoga teachers, reflexologists, anaesthetist, eye surgeon, midwives, police officers.

Find Your Purpose and Transform Lives with EFT Training. Perhaps you are disillusioned with your current career or your children have left home and you are ready to do something for yourself. You have the option to follow the EFT practitioner programme or simply use for yourself and your family.

Do you love developing your personal and spiritual practise?
Are you stuck with moving forward and have not been able to find the tools to support the transformation you are looking for?
Add EFT to your personal toolbox for deep healing, releasing the past and embracing the truth of who you are more fully.

Charlotte Fyle, researcher


I just wanted to let you know I had such an amazing and mind blowing time on your training. Nothing I've done before has felt as life changing as this. I sucked up every word and didn’t want to miss a thing because everything was so important and useful. 

I have done a lot of studying on many topics (incl psychology, cultural studies, human rights, yoga, aromatherapy, life coaching, natural skincare) and different levels up to a Masters from UCL so I believe I have some valid comparison to hold it against!  I usually nod off during any learning experience but at no point in your intensive four-day training did I feel like snoozing off or taking a break :) 

So a huge thank you for the work you do. I would do the course all over again this week if I could!    Thank you!  Best wishes,  

Who have attended our courses and workshops?

  • 200 police staff at a workshop at their wellbeing day
  • an anaesthatist who uses EFT with his needle phobic patients
  • a prison officer
  • pharmacists
  • school councellor who uses EFT outside the exam room with anxious students
  • midwives who use with labouring mums
  • psychotherapists and complementary therapists who use EFT along side their existing tools and skills
  • mums who use EFT in their parenting and with their kids. See for more details
  • people who want to use it for self-care, with friends & family or to become practitioners

Why train with Peter and Tamara?

We have been working with EFT since 2002 and 2007 respectively running training courses in USA, Dubai, Canada, Singapore and England.

Training with us is much for than just doing a course or getting another qualification. When you train with us, you join a community.  Here are some comments from some of our EFT members:

"Every time I attend Peter and Tamara’s courses or spend time with them on healing retreats I have yet more breakthroughs and feel like I’m ‘coming home’!", Liz  

"I trained with Peter and Tamara almost five years ago now and would always recommend them They offer fantastic support to their EFT community – both throughout the training period as well as ongoing afterwards – very knowledgeable, caring, resourceful and supportive. I love being a part of their ‘tribe", Romi  

"EFT is truly amazing and it is lovely to feel part of this amazing community", Davinia



“I attended Levels 1 and 2 training with Peter and Tamara in London and had an amazing, transformational and uplifting experience. EFT is far more powerful than I expected and integrating it with the metaTapping course helped in measuring progress in sessions and provided a focus for connecting with feelings and emotions. 

Peter and Tamara are fantastic trainers, delivering the material with clarity, care, attention to detail and compassion. Their warmth, knowledge and experience shone through and they were always happy to answer any questions we had. I would highly recommend this course and Peter and Tamara as trainers. You will not be disappointed.”

Peter Donn, an EFT Master Trainer, has over two decades of experience in EFT, having trained others for much of that time, and worked with thousands of individuals on a wide range of issues and conditions. Peter is accredited by EFT International and the Guild of Energists. He has been personally trained by the creators of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and EFT, Roger Callahan and Gary Craig. Peter is a contributory author to the Clinical EFT Handbook (as well as three other books) and is committed to providing the best training experience.

He utilizes a variety of techniques in his practice, including psycho-kinesiology and Root-Cause Healing Therapy, and has certifications in other treatment systems. 

Tamara Donn, an EFT Master Trainer with over 10 years of experience, is dedicated to supporting women during the journey into motherhood and beyond. Alongside Peter, she has successfully trained birth professionals to utilize EFT techniques throughout pregnancy, labour, and postpartum. As an accomplished author, Tamara's award-winning book, "Frazzled to Fabulous in 5 Minutes a Day," is the essential guide for stressed, overwhelmed, and exhausted mums who want to regain their calm, enjoy their children, and get more done! She expertly combines EFT with complementary methodologies such as Family Constellations, Matrix Reimprinting, and the Enneagram, creating a powerful synergy that enhances her work.
As well as training and looking after The EFT Training Centre Community, Tamara offers 1-2-1 sessions online and in person and runs retreats in Kings Langley

Fabiana Papastefani

EFT practitioner

I loved the EFT Course. Tamara and Peter are such great trainers, patient with us, answering all the questions, and repeating all I had not understood as English is not my mother tongue. The course content is very thorough, well packaged and delivered. I entered the course thinking I know quite a bit about EFT and was humbled to discover how much more there is to it and how important formal training is.

The course is very much hands-on. I had the chance to work on some very deeply-rooted stuff I was storing inside me, without realizing how big they were. I am also so very grateful for this!

I very highly recommend this training to anyone that wants to learn how to release limiting beliefs, how to work on and improve their own life, and if one wants to become a practitioner. Thank you, Tamara & Peter!


  • Complete beginners
  • Those new to EFT who know the tapping points and have had some experience using EFT
  • Those who have learnt EFT from videos, a book or a manual
  • Those wishing to learn EFT for self-help or to go on to become an EFT practitioner 
  • Healthcare professionals who wish to use EFT for their own use (or family) or become an EFT practitioner or  integrate EFT in to their existing practice.
  • Learn what is EFT and why are people so excited by it
  • Learn the full and short cut EFT treatment procedures 
  • Enables you to use EFT effectively on yourself, friends and family.  
  • Learn how to release unresolved emotional issues and the potential blocks to vibrant health and happiness
  • Find out the real cause of negative feelings and emotions      
  • Find out how we can block ourselves completely in any area of life, how that can prevent any healing modality working (including conventional medical treatment), and what you can do about it.      
  • Find out why there is an unconscious limit on how much you can earn – and how you can increase it.       

As well as a training, the workshop is a deeply healing experience that will give you life-changing skills you can use for the rest of your life on yourself, family and friends. This workshop is also a pre-requisite if you wish deepen your knowledge of EFT and become an EFT practitioner.

The EFT Level 1 training can also be taught at your premises, subject to a minimum number of attendees.

Read about Radio 2 Presenter and author, Janey Lee Grace's, experience of attending our workshop.

  • Everything that is in the Introduction to EFT workshop PLUS: 
  • Find out why there is an unconscious limit on how much you can earn – and how you can increase it.      
  • How to release past upsets and traumas gently and often quickly          
  • Clear one or more negative past events during the workshop      
  • Learn how to administer EFT treatment on someone else – your family and friends will be delighted!      
  • Learn how to gently clear upsetting memories without reliving the experience        
  • Learn a way to use EFT over time to give you peace of mind and freedom from your past
  • Find out how to treat very heavy emotional intensity
  • Find out the real reason for addictions and cravings, and how to let them go (feel free to bring along something you are addicted to – inanimate objects only please!)
  • Learn the basics of using EFT for simple physical issues and try it out in the workshop.      
  • Find out what can stop EFT working, and what to do about it.   

As well as a training, the workshop is a deeply healing experience that will give you life-changing skills you can use for the rest of your life on yourself, family and friends. This workshop is also a pre-requisite if you wish deepen your knowledge of EFT and become an EFT practitioner.

The EFT Level 1 training can also be taught at your premises, subject to a minimum number of attendees.

Read about Radio 2 Presenter and author, Janey Lee Grace's, experience of attending our workshop.

  • Those having completed Level 1 (pre-requisite) and wish to understand and use EFT at a deeper level on themselves, family and friends 
  • Those wishing to become an EFT practitioner and treat people professionally

Even though on EFT Level 1, you learn powerful ways to evolve and transform your issues, Level 2 deepens your understanding of EFT and its use in the healing process. As a result of joining this training, you also have the option to apply to join the EFT Practitioner Certification Programme (EPCP). The following are covered plus additional material as it arises on the training:

  • Deep dive into our inner resistances or "psychological reversal" (PR). This is a vital aspect of EFT as it can block it working completely and we cover many forms of PR that stop or slow down the healing process. 
  • Learn how to use EFT to create our dreams and achieve our goals - and why things often don’t happen the way we want them to! We understand why affirmations often appear not to work and what we can do about it. 
  • At Level 1 training, you learnt how to resolve the trauma from specific events and the basics of how to deal with general issues, especially by using persistence. A major aspect of Level 2 is learning ways to find core issues – the real causes of our problems and limitations. This makes the EFT healing process much more efficient, and is sometimes vital in resolving our issues completely. 
  • Skillfully learn how to deal with the “Big One” – huge issues or memories that we just want to avoid for fear of being overwhelmed. These are so important, yet we avoid them. 
  • Learn an amazingly gentle technique for dealing with these. We get plenty more supervised practice in some of the areas above – so as with Level 1, this is also a transformational healing experience as well as an official certification. Save yourself a one-to-one treatment session or three and bask in and benefit from the collective healing experience!
  • On the last day of the 3-day Level 2 trainings we bring all the many techniques and protocols together as a review, and discuss when we might use each one, plus the process of holding sessions with clients and how a session might flow.
  • Plus lots more...

The Introduction to EFT, Level 1 and 2 trainings are for self-help and also for those wishing to become an EFT practitioner. You can read more details of what is covered at each level above.  Either way you will need to start with either the Introduction workshop (which is just a one-day training) or EFT Level 1 (3 days, which includes the Intro as day 1), even if you are already able to use EFT proficiently for simple issues. Even Level 1 goes way beyond simple script tapping. For simple self-help use, Level 1 alone will be sufficient.  If you  want to understand and use it for self-help for more complex conditions and in deeper ways, join the Level 2 training also. To become certified as an EFT practitioner, you need to attend Level 1 and 2 training plus join our EFT Practitioner Certification Programme (EPCP) - subject to acceptance.

If you take only the Introduction to EFT training day, then you can come back to a future EFT Level 1 and miss out the first day.

For trainings with time gaps between them, you are strongly encouraged to arrange as many swap sessions (online and in person) as you have time for with your colleagues on the course so that you can familiarise and practice the techniques before joining Level 2. You will also be invited to join a weekly Q&A zoom session to ask any questions arising from the swap sessions. These sessions will be recorded if you can't make them. The sessions take place on Mon 25th Mar, Thu 4th Apr, Mon 8th Apr, Mon 15th Apr. All sessions last one hour and start at 10am UK time.

During the Level 2 training, you will be invited to apply to join the EFT Practitioner Certification Programme (EPCP). For all details, see below.

Once you complete the training, whether you decide to become a practitioner or not, you will be invited to join our closed facebook group to ask questions, share your successes and challenges, get inspired by and connect with other members and keep in touch with upcoming events. In December we invite you to join our "EFT Family" (as one of our practitioner coined the phrase) at our annual festive gathering with bring and share lunch, a chance to connect with other EFTers in our community and fun tapping activities! Trainee members of the EFT Practitioner Certification Programme (EPCP) and qualified practitioners are eligible to join theFast Track Professional and Personal Development Membership Programme. Trainees will receive partial access for free until December 2024 at which point they can continue their membership with payment or cancel their subscription.

Charlotte Townend

EFT practitioner & coach

As a coach, I am always looking to expand my skill set to ensure my clients get the best results and after having EFT myself I knew this was something I wanted to incorporate into my practice. The delivery, the content, the people, the warmth, love and support from Tamara and Peter was undeniable. What they created was an experience, not just training. I couldn’t believe how quickly I was transforming mindsets and changing beliefs people had held since childhood. It blew my mind. 

However, the best was yet to come.  I then qualified and started incorporating EFT into my practice and my own life. EFT, together with all the knowledge from Tamara and Peter, transformed the lives of all the women I work with, it transformed my life, my family’s life, my relationships. 2021 was one of my favourite years because no matter what happened, I had EFT. Everywhere I looked, life was calmer, clearer and more at ease and the same goes for every single client.  

Everything in my world changed by not only having the skills of EFT, but practicing in the same way that Tamara and Peter do. With warmth, love, compassion, empathy and an authenticity which you would not find anywhere else. Truly a life-changing course with life-changing people. Thank you.


We are honoured to have certified many hundreds of EFT Practitioners from 5 continents over the past almost two decades, and they are making a huge change in people’s lives.

Being an EFT practitioner is deeply rewarding and gives the opportunity to help people part or full time, online or in-person.

We offer the EFT International EFT qualification, which, in terms of the number of qualified practitioners, is the largest in the world.

Our training exceeds the depth and coverage of the EFT International syllabus because we want to make EFT masters out of you!

Basic details of our certification program are given below, however see here for full details.

There are two components to become an EFT International Certified EFT Practitioner. Each are paid for separately.

1 – Attend EFT Level 1 and 2 Live trainings.
These can be online or in-person but they must be live and interactive (although there may be a small amount of video training).

2 – Complete a set of certification requirements within 12 months of attending EFT Level 2.
These are reviewed by the trainers. 

Here is a list of certification requirements. These need to be completed within 12 months of attending Level 2. One exception is the 50 practice sessions which you have an extra year to complete if needed.

1. Pass a multiple-choice test on the EFT International web site. We recommend you take that within two or three days after attending Level 2.

2.Attend a one hour 1-2-1 mentoring session within the first 3 months of completing Level 2

3.Attend two x 2.5 hour group mentoring sessions within the following 6 months of completing Level 2

4. Submit a recorded session 

5. Submit two written case studies, each being composed of 2-4 sessions of 45 minutes each.

6. Submit one written case study on yourself

7. Receive four EFT sessions from a certified EFT practitioner

Points 1-7 need to be completed with 12 months or you have the option to extend that time, by attending another Level 1 and 2 training with us (with a large discount) if available

8. Complete 50 practice sessions (you can include your case study sessions) across a minimum of 20 individuals of a minumum of 45 minutes per session. You have up to 24 months to complete these.

After attending EFT Level 1, you can apply to join the practitioner programme. You can pay for this in full, or in instalments.  The payment (or first instalment) is paid immediately before or at the Level 2. There is a 7-day grace period so if you change your mind within 7 days of attending Level 2 you will get a full refund.  

The following is covered as part of your enrollment fee:

1. Administration and support over the course of your certification period of a year. This includes the trainer’s time administering the practitioner process, and providing support either regarding the process, or on questions you have regarding EFT or specific clients.

Support is provided as follows - moving to the next level if needed:
   1) Our closed Facebook support group,
   2) Direct email support,
   3) Scheduling a phone / skype call in more complex situations (additional costs may be incured)
In addition to that, you are encouraged to bring questions to the mentoring sessions.

2. Two online group-mentorings, each 2.5 hours, with others who are also training. The dates are agreed as a group using a poll. These will be scheduled within the first 6 months of attending Level 2.

3. One 1-2-1 mentoring of one hour. Taken within 3 months of attending Level 2.

4. Case study reviews (These take our trainers several hours to review).

5. Free student membership on our Fast Track Professional and Personal Membership Programme until end of 2024. This gives you access to monthly group tapping sessions and our quarterly expert sessions (recordings of past expert sessions are available for your perusal).

For all of the above stated under ECEP Costs we charge £695.
Alternatively, you can pay this over 8 instalments of £87. 

Becoming a certified EFT practitioner can be one of the most inexpensive qualifications to attain, considering you are learning such a powerful technique.

If you wish to have an idea of how much the total cost may be, simply add together the prices of the following:

  • 1. The price of attendance at the EFT Level 1 and 2 live training (price depending on location and duration)
  • 2. The cost of the EPCP (EFT Practitioner Certification Programme) described earlier in detail.  This is currently £695 (instalments offered).  This is priced separately as some people wish to attend the live trainings but not go on to become practitioners.
  • 3. EFT sessions – the cost of receiving 4 EFT sessions. Past sessions are counted. Our qualified EFT practitioners are often open to offering one for free as part of a session swap.
  • 4. EFT International Student Membership and Taking Multiple Choice Exam; These cost £25 and £15 respectively (as of start of 2024).
  • 5. Student insurance - optional but recommended.  Usually around £50 (as at start of 2024).

The trainers cannot guarantee that you will become a Certified EFT Practitioner, but they are committed to supporting you and guiding you towards certification. They may recommend focusing on your personal EFT journey before assuming the role of a practitioner if they believe it will benefit you.

You can extend the 12-month certification period by attending at least EFT Level 2 again (with us if we have dates and spaces available) as a refresher, and your 12 months starts again from the last day of second Level 2 training. Once you have enrolled in the certification programme, if you take additional time to complete the certification over and above 12 months then (apart from the cost of refresher training) there is no additional fee to pay unless the practitioner programme has increased in price in which case you pay the difference.  You may also need to book an additional Mentoring as you need to do at least 6 hours in the 12 months leading up to certification.

As a disclaimer, although very unlikely, if we one day stop offering this programme, then we would endeavour to recommend other trainers to continue your certification process (with their additional costs).

Practicing as a professional EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) practitioner offers numerous benefits. Here are 6 advantages of pursuing a career in this field:

1. Replace unrewarding income sources with one that is deeply fulfilling! If you have been drawn to helping others, this is an extraordinary opportunity to facilitate big change for many people!  How can it get better than earning an income helping people feel happier, healthier and more peaceful!

2. Personal Growth: As you guide others through their healing journey, you also experience personal growth. You become more self-aware, empathetic, and compassionate.

3. Flexibility: You have the flexibility to work on your terms. Whether you choose to work independently or join an existing practice, you have the freedom to set your own schedule and work with clients in a way that suits you. You can see clients in-person or over the internet on the other side of the world!

4. Increased Empowerment: As clients experience the benefits of EFT and witness their progression, they become empowered to take control of their emotional well-being. Being a part of this process is incredibly fulfilling.  You are therefore a change-agent that help clients look after themselves into the future.

5. Professional Development and being a part of our practitioner family: The field of EFT is constantly evolving. As a practitioner, you have various opportunities for continuous professional development, such as attending workshops, conferences, and advanced training courses.

6. Diverse Clientele: EFT can be applied to a huge range of issues (there really is no limit), including stress, anxiety, trauma, phobias, and more. This offers you the opportunity to work with a diverse clientele, ensuring that no two days are the same.

These benefits highlight the rewarding nature of practicing as a professional EFT practitioner. By embarking on this path, you can contribute to the well-being of others while experiencing personal and professional growth

Once having EFT Practitioner accreditation you can gain practitioner membership of the EFT International and have a practitioner listing. You will also need to attain 30 CPD units each year (Continuing Professional Development) to remain a member and have 6 hours mentoring. CPD can be in anything that aids your work in your EFT practitioner role and can be reading books and watching videos. Our Fast Track Professional and Personal Development Membership Programme covers all the mentoring hours and most of the CPD hours, and if you don't cancel your Fast Track student membership, you will have automatic access to the practitioner membership from Jan 2025.

Liz Hancock

Money Mindset Coach

Peter and Tamara are the kindest, loveliest teachers and mentors for EFT that you could ever find. Every time I attend their courses or spend time with them on healing retreats I have yet more breakthroughs and feel like I’m ‘coming home’! I certainly wouldn’t be where I am today, loving life and contributing myself to the healing of others through my work if it wasn’t for them!  

K.T Marten


When my coach supervisor highly recommended Peter and Tamara, I looked no further and I am so glad I listened!  I have reached a ceiling with my existing toolset for self-care and knew the next step in this evolution was going to be working with energy.

Even though I have developed some advanced skills in other modalities, I have managed to bring the "beginners mind" and be open to the possibilities of this new one.  Both the gentleness of the process and the incredibly fast results have excelled beyond any of my expectations. I have come to realize the whole new dimension EFT brings, which stands in its own right as a modality, and it is indeed a "must have" toolset both in my personal and professional life.

The moment I have entered the training room I was made to feel at home. The tailored pace and the practical aspects ensured everyone was making progress, no matter what level of experience they brought with them in the field of personal growth.

If you're thinking about it, go for it!  Peter and Tamara are at the top of their game and you can be sure you are learning from the best. Their dedication and integrity shines through, which has a direct impact on a memorable, quality student experience, and results achieved with EFT in an incredibly short space of time. They go beyond minimum requirements to ensure you become, and continue to evolve, to the best you can be during, and well beyond the live training.

Added components include invaluable live online Q&As and other online resources which enhances the experience. You're warmly welcomed to their well established community, their "EFT family", and opportunities are created to allow plenty of practice both in and out of the classroom.

During the live days I have decided to become a practitioner, because I would like to become even better at helping others, too. I look forward to grow under the wings of Tamara and Peter and feel honoured to learn from them. I feel confident I am in the safest hands. I highly recommend their training, and will be sure to keep an eye on other offers they bring to their audience.

Cancellation Policy & Switching to a Different Date

You may reschedule to a later identical workshop if one is available (same location) up to 7 days before the workshop you are booked on, or pay the difference if the same workshop is in a location where the workshop price is higher.  If you paid an earlybird price, then the earlybird price applies on the alternative workshop. If you paid the standard price, then again this applies on the new date.  
IMPORTANT: We are not guaranteed to run a future training.  If that is the case, there will be no option to move to a future date.   

Cancellation Policy   

The following are % refunds based on the time before the workshop that a cancellation is requested, subject to a minimum £25 cancellation fee.  It is assumed that the workshop is full paid up.  However if we need to cancel the workshop (for example due to Coronavirus distancing rules) you will receive a 100% refund or you can move your money to a future workshop.  

100% up to a month before the workshop
75% from a month to 3 weeks before the workshop
50% from 3 weeks to 2 weeks before the workshop
25% from 2 weeks to 1 week before the workshop
0% if cancelled within 1 week of the workshop  

At any point, you may give your place to another individual.  Please ensure we are informed, and that the new individual completes the registration form above.  

Reason for Cancellation Fees

Cancellation fees are set, like other workshop providers, because marketing effort is made for specific workshop dates in order to fill available spaces, venues are decided based on demand, and also because manuals and certificates are printed well in advance.  In addition, from the perspective of attendees it involves a level of commitment where the subconscious mind starts preparing well in advance for transformation to occur at the workshop.  

Responsibility for Mental / Emotional Health

Workshops can bring issues to the surface and while every effort is made to ensure each individual leaves the workshop feeling centred, balanced and able to return to the “real world”, for some individuals further healing work may be needed to reach a new – and better – normal.  This may require one or more one-to-one sessions in a therapeutic discipline, of which EFT is an effective one.  Qualified practitioners can be found on We also offer private sessions: EFT sessions can also be carried out by phone.  We may offer a number of reduced price sessions for participants for post-workshop treatment.  For those already diagnosed with mental illness please ensure you have taken advice from your health care professional about the suitability of this workshop.  It may be that one to one work should be carried out first before attending a workshop.